1. LB is a genre I've only just started writing in.

2. There are likely to be inaccuracies. I invite you to enjoy my story for what it is... a bit of fun.(g)

3.This story is a fantasy! If you are looking for a realistic story that is based on facts, this is not it. I have made everything up.

4. I am not a professional writer - I'm just someone who loves the boys. My beta readers are volunteers who have willingly given their time to help me and I will always be in their debt. Any errors are mine alone. There are a number of spelling, grammar and punctuation differences between Australia and the USA... please forgive me for writing with an accent. (g)

5. Yes, I love feedback! Drop me a note so we can chat about the boys. I love to hear others views and it means a lot to me when friends (new and old) take the time to send feedback, encouragement and constructive criticism. Please don't bother to send flames. I've lived that hell once and I won't be allowing it to affect me again.

Special thanks to my pards on the Vin Fanfic and Discussion Group and all of the people who have sent me feedback, encouragement and support in the past.

Last, but certainly not least, to my dear friend and beta Teri. Thank you for the laughter, for being there for my tears and for all of the time you give so freely to help me.

The LB universe was created by Barbretta Hayden, K. Poffenberger and S. Berry and the ATF by Mog and I am writing in them because they opened it up to all writers... thank you.

I Like Being Cold

Response to Vin Fanfic and Discussion Group Sept 2008 Challenge - Cold

The storm had blown up without warning and taken the city by surprise.

Vin and J.D. huddled together on the mat in the family room as day turned to night before their wide eyes.

Outside they could hear their fathers shouting and rushing about. 

Wild winds lashed the house, the windows shaking. 

Thunder rumbled. 

A crack of lightning flashed across the sky.

J.D. pushed his face into Vin’s chest.  The older boy sat mesmerized, staring out the window at nature’s spectacle.

Then the rain started.  It fell in sheets, exploding on the roof.  A chill clawed its long fingers around the house.

“Pa?” Vin called with concern.  He had been listening to the reassuring sounds of his father’s shouts but now he could hear nothing but the rain, lightning and thunder.  Quite suddenly the house felt empty and dark.

J.D. trembled in his arms. 

“Pa?!”  The little boy’s chest tightened with anxiety.

Abruptly the kitchen door opened.  Vin and J.D. looked across the room, eyes the size of saucers. Two bedraggled forms tumbled in, forcing the door closed behind them.  The light in the kitchen was switched on illuminating...

“PA!” the boys cried, racing toward them.

Buck wiped water from his eyes and held his arm out, shivering bitterly. “Whoa.  Stay back or you’ll get all wet.”

Chris peered down at the terrified faces, crouched and opened his arms wide.  J.D. and Vin shot forward into his arms.

Buck blinked, realized what was going on and then crouched on the other side, wrapping the boys up from the back.

J.D. spun around, burying himself in his father’s wet and trembling embrace. The swirling rain had been freezing and the temperature in the house wasn’t much better.

Thunder exploded.  Both boys jumped, gripping their father’s tighter.

“It’s okay, boys.  It’s just a storm,” Chris assured, his teeth beginning to chatter. 

“But why is it so mad?” J.D. asked.

Chris looked at Buck who shrugged.

“Well,” Chris started, racking his brain.  “God has a belly ache and he’s ummm... burping.”

J.D. lifted his tear-stained face.  “Really big ones like Pa does that makes Miss Nettie mad?”

Buck smirked.  “Those are the ones, Squirt.  Man, its arctic in here.  Come on.  Let’s go and have a shower, start a fire and get warm.”  He scooped J.D. up.  Another clap of thunder shook the house.

“There he goes again,” J.D. stated.  “God sure has a bad tummy ache.  Probably ate too many sweets before dinner.  Can we count how many times he burps, like we do when you are burping, Pa?”

“We sure can.” Buck winked and mouthed to Chris, “Thank you.”  Chris’ quick thinking had done the trick.  J.D.’s fears seemed forgotten.

Chris eased Vin away. Thoughtful blue eyes stared up at him.  Clearly ‘God burping’ didn’t work with the deep thinking older child.  “Nature’s showing how small we are.”

Vin tilted his head to the side and then nodded.  “Nature sure is big, Pa.”  He shivered.

“Come on, time for us to get warm too.”  Chris rose, holding Vin’s hand and started toward his bathroom.

“Pa, why do we get cold?”

Chris frowned.  He could explain about evaporation but knew Vin was too young.  He glanced down at his little boy who was now trembling in the chill of the house.  Chris lifted Vin into him arms and hugged him tightly to warm him.  “We get cold so we remember to cuddle.”

Vin lifted his head and grinned.


Half an hour after hot showers and glasses of warm milk, the family was settled in the den, the lights off.  Only the glow of the fireplace illuminated the room.  Outside, the thunder and lightning had passed and now the rhythmic sound of the rain on the roof was calming.

Chris was stretched out on the mat in front of the fireplace, a beanbag under his shoulders.   He lifted his gaze to the couch where Buck’s lanky frame was draped untidily.  J.D. was sleeping soundly in his father’s arms, a blanket over them both.  Buck’s own soft snoring floated from him.

Chris smirked and looked down to his chest where Vin laid, a blanket tucked around them.  “You still awake?” Chris asked sleepily, surprised when Vin moved.

“Yep.”  Vin looked at his dad and grinned. “ Pa?”


“I like being cold.”  He snuggled into his dad.

Chris smiled in total contentment, kissed the top of his son’s head and wrapped his arms around his little boy.  “Yep, me too, Cowboy.  Me too.”

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© Sept 2008 Aussie Lass. : This relates only to the creative property in this story. The distinctive way the story unfolds, the specific dialogue and unique situations are mine. I acknowledge that some of the characters and settings belong to the owners of "The Magnificent Seven" and I thank them sincerely for turning a blind eye so I can borrow them. (g) No infrigement of copyright was intended and no profit has been made from this story... so, please don't sue me. It wouldn't be worth your while.

This page is for fan enjoyment and review. I do not own any of the pictures. They remain the property of their original owners. No infringement of copyright is intended. I am making no money from this site... I wish! If you see anything on this page (or any other page on my site) that you believe belongs to you and you would like me to remove it, please just let me know and I will take it down immediately or, if you prefer, acknowledge you in full. (g)